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Condo in Kakaako - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Welcome to Kaliu, the highly anticipated upcoming boutique luxury condominium in Our Kakaako. Boasting a prime location in one of Honolulu's most vibrant neighborhoods, Kaliu promises to redefine urban living with its blend of modern design, thoughtful amenities, and unparalleled convenience. As you step into the sleek lobby, you're greeted by a sense of sophistication and warmth, setting the tone for what lies ahead. Each residence at Kaliu is meticulously crafted with contemporary finishes and spacious layouts, offering residents a sanctuary amidst the bustling cityscape. From expansive floor-to-ceiling windows showcasing panoramic views to gourmet kitchens equipped with high-end appliances, every detail is carefully considered to enhance the living experience. With amenities such as a rooftop infinity pool, fitness center, and landscaped gardens, Kaliu invites residents to unwind, socialize, and indulge in the comforts of urban luxury. With easy access to shopping, dining, entertainment, and cultural attractions, Kaliu embodies the essence of modern living in the heart of Our Kakaako.Kaliu Highlights: 39-story boutique tower with 285 exclusive residences Diverse selection of floor plans including one-bedroom,two-bedroom, and three-bedroom residences 525 residential stalls, and 23 guest stalls EV-ready infrastructure in select parking stalls* Round-the-clock security with secured entry and elevators Dedicated 24-hour residential specialist Wellness-focused amenities Pet-friendly building Energy-efficient, environmentally friendly low-e glass Energy-saving photovoltaic panels for a reduced carbon footprint Ground-floor retail spaces for easy access to shops and services
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