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Condo in Launani Valley - Central Oahu
Priced BELOW TAX ASSESSED VALUE & FULLY INSURED! This refreshed & renovated 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom unit features new luxury vinyl plank flooring, ceiling fan, dishwasher, light fixtures, screen door, primary closet doors, toilets and fresh paint throughout. Enjoy a serene & private retreat with vaulted ceilings, abundant space, functionality, and a stunning natural backdrop of lush tropical foliage. Ideally situated on the 2nd level with no neighbors above and conveniently located near the only guest parking, amenities car wash area and mailboxes. Turnkey & move-in ready unit also offers an eco-friendly kitchen focused on durability, hygiene, and low maintenance. 3 wall mounted TV's w/ in-wall cable concealers included with sale. Fresh air fills the space, with options for AC or ceiling fans to enhance comfort. Calming sounds of the flowing stream behind- your natural sound therapy. Just a short distance away are amenities like an expansive pool, jacuzzi, party room, BBQ area, and a private park with a tennis court, basketball court, and kids’ play area. A must-see, in person to appreciate all this has to offer.Exceptionally priced, newly renovated and turn key - Here’s your chance!
95-877 Wikao Street D205 Mililani 96789 is listed Courtesy of Refined Real Estate Hawaii Llc (808) 260-9888
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