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Condo in Mililani Mauka - Central Oahu
FABULOUS 55+ GATED COMMUNITY! Spacious 2 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom condominium home in the OLALOA III gated community in Mililani Mauka for residents 55 years and older. This lovely, light and breezy apartment offers newer neutral Carpet, New Window Treatments, Split AC in the living room and primary bedroom, a New stainless range/oven, Washer/Dryer Hookup - install your own or use any of the four community laundry locations within the building. There's an elevator and a roomy Storage Locker just outside your front door. The Community Center has a Library, Exercise Room, Event Rooms with Hula, Ukulele and other classes, planned Excursions and more! Enjoy the Community Garden or join your friends and neighbors on the Walking & Jogging Path. You will love the convenient, independent living in Mililani Mauka, only a short distance to restaurants, Longs, Starbucks and more! Residents must be 55+, otherwise no restrictions on ownership.
95-1050 Makaikai Street 14H Mililani 96789 is listed Courtesy of Berkshire Hathaway Hmsvc Hi Re (808) 792-3910
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