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Condo in Waipio Acres/Waikalani Woodlands - Central Oahu
Property back on the market due to no fault of the sellers! VA Assumption Possible (2.75%, ~$350k Balance - Verify. Full VA Entitlement Required). Pets accepted (verify) in this beautiful condo nestled in the heart of Mililani. This unit comes with 2 parking spots and it's the only 2-bedroom condo currently listed in Waikalani Woodlands, with 3 split air conditioners. The bathroom was remodeled in 2022 with a new faucet, above-ground tub, toilet, ceramic tile flooring, and a new light fixture. The remodel includes a plumbing upgrade with new angle stops, t-pipe, and supply lines for the toilet, bathroom, and kitchen sinks, unit water shut-off valve (2024), washer valve (2024), and a brand new water heater (2024) - a massive upgrade! The extensive upgrades list continues in 2024 with a new washer, dryer, fridge, dishwasher, and oven. 1-yr home warranty for buyer's peace of mind! Kitchen boasts lots of storage space. Enjoy this community's amenities, including a swimming pool, recreation area with barbecue, playground, and scenic walking/jogging paths. Conveniently located near shopping, dining, schools, and military bases (Wheeler Army Airfield & Schofield Barracks). Don't miss out!
95-273 Waikalani Drive D901 Mililani 96789 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty (808) 725-2794
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