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Multi-Family in Wilikina - Central Oahu
Discover a rare opportunity to own an 11-unit apartment building in the highly desirable Wilikina area. Perfectly designed for income generation, this property features eleven 1-bedroom units, each with a dedicated parking stall, offering convenience and appeal to tenants. Recent upgrades in 2023, including a new roof and fresh exterior paint, enhance the building's curb appeal and long-term durability. A coin-operated community laundry area on the ground floor provides an additional revenue stream. Conveniently located near schools, shopping centers, restaurants, and highways, this property ensures ease of access for residents while maintaining strong rental demand. Whether you're starting your investment journey or expanding an existing portfolio, this property is a must-see! Current income and expenses reflect 9 rented units, leaving room for even greater earning potential. Net income of $111,900 for 9 units with CAP rate about 5.6% (Still has 2 units vacant to add more income). Schedule a viewing today and take the first step toward securing your future income!
142 Lakeview Circle Wahiawa 96786 is listed Courtesy of Five Star Realty, Inc. (808) 382-6871
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