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Region: Diamond Head;
Diamond Head Crater, also known as Leahi in Hawaiian, is the iconic landmark and namesake of the Diamond Head area. With the hills of Saint Louis Heights to the west and the marine-protected area of Paiko Lagoon to the east, the Diamond Head area is known for its many neighborhoods and recreational activities. The Diamond Head area is convenient to downtown Honolulu and has a variety of schools, shops and restaurants, as well as community events. For those who work in downtown Honolulu, the commute from the Diamond Head area can range from five to 20 minutes, with many routes to choose from to avoid traffic delays. The Diamond Head area is enjoyed by long-time residents, celebrities and tourists alike.
The Diamond Head area has many luxury single-family homes with lawns, as well as plantation-style homes, and condominiums along the Gold Coast and in the neighborhoods of Palolo and Kaimuki. There are remodeled and newly built homes, as well as homes dating back to the 1920s and 1930s.
For-sale housing inventory in the Diamond Head area is typically low, so competition in the area is strong. When a house is listed for sale, it usually is under contract within a short time of being listed. The average single-family home and condo values in the Diamond Head area are some of the highest on Oahu. The Diamond Head neighborhoods of Kahala and Black Point are home to some of the most expensive real estate on Oahu
The following breakdown of the Diamond Head regions sub neighborhoods were compiled by Locations agents who live and work in the area.
Surrounding Diamond Head Road and including the landmark Diamond Head Lighthouse, this area contains several luxury homes, as well as homes in various conditions. Some homes along the beach have well-landscaped lawns fronting the beach. South of Diamond Head Road, the topography declines toward the ocean, giving homes near Diamond Head Road expansive ocean views. Diamond Head Road is a wide, busy street that is frequently used for races that occur throughout the year, including the Honolulu Marathon (the road is closed at least six times a year for events). View Diamond Head Homes for sale
This outcropping of volcanic land, much higher than sea level, is adjacent to the ocean. Black Point has two areas: The stretch of homes before the gated community along Black Point Road and the cluster of homes inside the gated community. The road is public up to the gated community. Homes on the public portion of Black Point Road are a mix of traditional Hawaiiana homes and large, luxury homes. Homes beyond the security gate are located on a peninsula that goes out into the ocean. Black Point contains a mix of a few large, modern homes and more traditional homes. This area is quite dense, and homes are mostly on smaller lots. Several homes have been restored. Homes have views of Koko Head and Maunalua Bay. Homes in Black Point are either on septic tanks or cesspool, as connection to the public sewer system is not available, and there are overhead utilities and poles. Shore breezes are a factor, and salt spray will require constant maintenance of the property. At the far south point of Black Point is an undeveloped plot of volcanic land along the waterline that serves as a bird sanctuary for Shearwater birds, who nest and raise chicks there. This volcanic rock area is about four to five acres, and it is a popular fishing spot, as the land rises 25 feet above sea level. View Black Point homes for sale
Home to The Kahala Resort and Hotel, the Kahala neighborhood has some of highest-valued properties on Oahu. With around 1,000 lots, Kahala offers close proximity to shopping and beaches. There are about 60 beachfront homes in the Kahala neighborhood, which have access to some of Oahu’s best surf breaks and beaches. The neighborhood is a mix of older homes and larger new or remodeled mansions. Some homes date back to the 1920s and 1930s, when Kahala was first settled. The Kahala neighborhood has larger lot sizes, wide streets with sidewalks and multiple beach accesses. View Kahala homes for sale
Kahala Kua is a mountaintop gated community with panoramic ocean views and large landscaped yards. Most of these homes are newer. There are approximately 130 single-family homes in this private neighborhood with views that span from Koko Head Cater in Hawaii Kai to Diamond Head. View Kahala Kua homes for sale
Puu Panini is a small neighborhood with a private park that includes tennis and paddleball courts for residents’ use only. Homes in this neighborhood were built in the 1950s, and there are only 27 homes available. These homes have large lots, and many have been re-designed by famous architects. Some of the homes have original features, while others have been remodeled, and all homes have large lots. This neighborhood is convenient to Kahala Mall, schools, the H-1 freeway and downtown Honolulu.
Kaimuki offers single-family homes, along with some condominiums on Waialae Avenue. Kaimuki is known for its eclectic “mom-and-pop" shops along Waialae Avenue, which include restaurants, yoga studios, crack seed stores and more. View Kaimuki homes for sale
To the mountainside of Kalanianaole Highway, lies this residential community with original and remodeled single-family hillside homes. There is an Aina Haina Community Association for the benefit of new and long-time residents alike. View Aina Haina homes for sale
To the beachside of Kalanianaole Highway, Aina Haina Beach has expansive homes, many with pools and large manicured lawns. Only a few lucky people can call Aina Haina Beach home, as there are limited lots available. View Aina Haina Beach homes for sale
With a reputation as one of the most luxurious ridge neighborhoods on Oahu, Hawaii Loa Ridge homes have lots ranging from 8,000 to 30,000 square feet. This secluded gated-community is 1,000 feet above sea level. View Hawaii Loa Ridge homes for sale
The upscale neighborhood of Kai Nani, east of Waialae Country Club, consists of about 30 homes with beachfront and golf course views. View Kai Nani homes for sale
Loaded with restaurants, including the famous Leonard’s Bakery, Kapahulu Avenue is one of the main streets on the western side of the Diamond Head area. Along this strip, small condominium housing options can be found along with smaller single-family homes. View Kapahulu Homes for sale
This mountainside neighborhood between Nui Valley and Hawaii Kai has a number of single-family homes. View Kuliouou Real Estate and Homes for sale
Past the intersection of Sierra Drive and Wilhelmina Rise, below the Maunalani Community Park at the apex, lies this hilltop neighborhood with ocean views. View Maunalani Heights homes for sale
This beachfront neighborhood is located on a peninsula between the neighborhoods of Aina Haina and Kuliouou and has less than 100 homes. Nui Beach offers easy access to the ocean, and King Kamehameha the Great once called Niu Beach home! View Niu homes for sale View Niu Valley Homes.
In East Oahu, almost to Hawaii Kai, this quaint neighborhood includes 20 oceanfront homes and a little more than 20 other homes on the brackish water of Paiko Lagoon. There are a number of surf spots off of this neighborhood, including Paikos, Tuna Bowls and Turtles. View Paiko Lagoon Real estate
Palolo goes deep into the hillside between the neighborhoods of St. Louis Heights and Kaimuki. There are a number of shops and restaurants close by on Waialae Avenue. Most homes are older, and the neighborhood is popular with first-time buyers and investors. View Palolo Real Estate and homes
This neighborhood with about 600 single-family homes lies along the steep hills overlooking Honolulu. Many of the single-family homes are older with long-time residents, with some built as early as the 1920s. At the base of the neighborhood is the Regency Park condominium complex, which has 272 units and is next to Chaminade University. View St. Louis Heights Real Estate for sale
Construction of this ridge neighborhood began in the 1960s. Some single-family homes offer views of Diamond Head Crater and Waialae Country Club. View Waialae Iki Homes for sale View Waialae Iki Gold Course homes
Drive along Halekoa Drive, and you will be greeted by a twisting road with expansive views. Single-family homes range from 6,000 to 13,000 square feet and enjoy temperatures that are about seven degrees cooler than down the hill. Some homes were built decades ago, while others are newer builds. View Waialae Nui Ridge Homes
Along the roads of Waialae Avenue, Kilauea Avenue and Hunakai Street, there are some million-dollar homes with lot sizes between 7,500 to 10,000 square feet. There are also a few condominium and townhouse options in Waialae Nui Valley, including the high-rise Kahala Towers, Tropic Gardens, Tropicana Village Makai and Waialae Gardens. View Waialae Nui Valley Homes for sale
With a little more than 20 beachfront homes and another 120 homes on the Wailupe Peninsula, this small neighborhood is on the oceanside of Kalanianaole Highway. Once one of East Oahu’s largest ancient Hawaiian fishponds, it was filled in to make way for homes in 1947. Home lots range from 6,000 to 30,000 square feet, and homes often sell for multiple millions of dollars. Some of the homes have private boat docks, and Wailupe homeowners can live the Hawaii lifestyle with a community pier and boat ramp. View Wailupe Pennisula Homes
Up steep Wilhelmina Rise toward Sierra Drive is this popular family community. Single-family homes—some with expansive views--are in a variety of sizes and conditions. View Wilhemina Rise Homes for sale
There is a lot to do in the Diamond Head area, with many nearby attractions, as well as weekly and annual events. Join a running or biking race or take part in a community event, like the weekly KCC Farmers Market. Living in Diamond Head makes it easy to stay active and enjoy various entertainment options.
The Diamond Head area offers a variety of retail and entertainment options for almost all of your needs. Shopping centers, movie theaters, Whole Foods and more making living in Diamond Head convenient, easy and fun. Here are the main shopping centers in the Diamond Head area and neighboring Waikiki:
Diamond Head parks offer expansive fields, tennis courts, areas for dogs and more.
The Diamond Head area offers a few golf courses.
What surf spots are at Diamond Head?
The Diamond Head area has come of Oahu’s most popular hikes.
Views from Diamond Head's Pillbox Hike with Kapiolani park below
This iconic crater at the edge of Waikiki is known as Leahi (“brow of the tuna” in Hawaiian) and Diamond Head, a name it received in 1825. At that time, British sailors thought that they had found diamonds of the crater’s slopes, but these rocks were actually volcanic calcite crystals that shined in the sunlight. After being used as military reservation Fort Ruger, Diamond Head was named a U.S. National Natural Landmark in 1968. Its trails are now enjoyed by tourists and locals, but there still are some military uses in place, including U.S. government antennas on its slopes. Diamond Head Crater is also home to a National Guard emergency operation center and Hawaii State Civil Defense Headquarters.
In the inland hillier parts of Diamond Head, stories of Menehune, or small mythical creatures, who built tī leaf ovens overnight in the Diamond Head area are prevalent. In fact, the name Kaimuki, one of the larger neighborhoods in Diamond Head, originates from the Hawaiian words ‘ka imu kī,’ which together means 'tī oven.
The hills of Diamond Head were mostly undeveloped until the early 1900s. Kamehameha I used Diamond Head as a lookout to see enemies coming from the ocean. In 1884, Dr. Trousseau, King Kalakaua’s physician, won 324 acres in Diamond Head for a reasonable auction price of $2,325. In 1887, he gifted land to businessman Daniel Isenberg, who used it for his Waialae Ranch. Cattle and racehorses once walked what is now the Waialae Golf Course area for about ten years during that time.
The Chinatown fire in 1900 spurred for the development of the Diamond Head neighborhood. The fire left many immigrants homeless, and many headed to the Diamond Head area for a new start. In 1898, Theodore Lansing and A.V. Gear purchased the land from Dr. Trousseau and sold small lots, which created Honolulu’s first subdivision. Into the 1920s, more people moved to the Diamond Head area and purchased plantation-style homes on Waialae Avenue and up into the mountains.
Restaurants in Diamond Head include options from almost any cultural cuisine you could imagine, as well as trendy local eateries.
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