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Single Family Home in Aina Haina Area - Diamond Head Oahu
RARELY AVAILABLE LEGAL DUPLEX WITH TWO POSTAL ADDRESSES, AND TWO WATER AND ELECTRIC METERS. Newly renovated with fully enclosed private backyard. This seven bedroom, six bathroom home is perfect for multi-generational living or potential rental with separate entrances for versatility! Upstairs has spacious 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with an open concept living, bright and breezy ocean view. Downstairs has separate 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with living room, large family room, sky lights that allow ample natural light to fill in the space, and plenty of storage. The newly built fence and new grass in the back yard offer optimal privacy for gatherings. The studio located in the back of the house has its own bathroom and an entrance offers a perfect space for your guests. This home is nestled in a quiet neighborhood in Aina Haina area on the east coast of Oahu where you can access to the beaches and shopping centers. "Actual property configuration does not match with the tax record and data. Buyer shall do their due diligence"
5216 Hao Place Honolulu 96821 is listed Courtesy of Koam Realty (808) 596-9119
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