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Single Family Home
Aina Haina Area - Diamond Head
Aina Haina mid-century gem on a large level lot. Warm curb appeal, knotwood fencing and a custom paved driveway. Through secured side gates discover a completely fenced entertainment area with a large covered patio, pet bath, BBQ, custom ecoshade motorized louvers and trellis, a palm-tree lined yard with a sitting wall, and a Michael Phelps swim spa! The single-level home with a beachy feel has high ceilings in the living room, a custom coffee bar, split AC throughout and an ipe side deck to enjoy a morning espresso. Above the carport is an award-winning, separate 1-bed 1-bath ADU, perfect for guests, family, home office or income. There are 2 laundry centers, multiple storage closets, covered parking for 4 cars, and many more thoughtful touches. Topped off with an owned 32-panel 14kw PV system, 2 Tesla Powerwalls and a newer roof coating. Just a minute’s walk to groceries, banks, post office, yoga, pilates, library and more. This legacy property awaits.
5231 Makalena Street Honolulu 96821 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 596-0456
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