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Single Family Home
Kahala Area - Diamond Head
Brand New 2024 Home – Never Lived In! Experience luxury living in this expansive, modern home designed to seamlessly blend indoor and outdoor lifestyles. Open-concept layout with three family rooms, this home is filled with natural light and offers plenty of space for relaxation and entertainment. Miele and Bosch appliances, porcelain tiles imported from Italy , Studio Becker cabinets, Corian countertops, 4 oversized en-suite bedrooms adorned with termite resistant hardwood flooring for added style and durability. Therapy pool (2-4 ft deep) Jacuzzi, a tranquil koi pond, and an enclosed yard perfect for entertaining or unwinding. Elevator shaft, two wine refrigerators, 2 dishwashers, and 2 laundry areas, making this home as practical as it is luxurious. An attached ADU provides flexible living options for guests or extended family. The property also features two outdoor powder rooms for pool and yard use, premium German-engineered gates, and a state-of-the-art video security system for peace of mind. Every detail, from granite exterior finishes to thoughtfully designed spaces, exudes sophistication. Few Blocks away from Sandy Beach. One year construction and appliance warranty.
4758 Kahala Avenue Honolulu 96816 is listed Courtesy of List Sotheby's Int'l Realty (808) 735-2411
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