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Single Family Home
Kahala Area - Diamond Head
Stunning direct beachfront trophy estate on Kahala Avenue with a land area of over 33,000 square feet and 125.5 linear feet of sandy beach frontage. The private and gated residential estate compound features two separate building wings seamlessly connected by the entry courtyard, lush tropical landscaping, an oceanfront great lawn, and a gorgeous multi-purpose pool. Inside the elegant beachfront residence, you will find an exquisite primary wing, three ensuite bedrooms, a striking flowing great room, and deep-covered lanais that overlook both the ocean and pool. The traditional island architectural design, with its high ceilings and beautiful “Koa” hardwood floors, creates a warm and inviting atmosphere. The expansive living areas seamlessly flow to the outdoor seating areas and views beyond. The lanais provide the perfect setting to relax, enjoy the tropical tradewinds, and take in the views. In addition to the primary wing, the secondary two-story wing offers two exquisite one-bedroom one-bath guest suites with a private lanai. The wing also includes a large five-car garage and two half-baths. Close to the Kahala Hotel and Waialae Country Club. Luxurious island living defined.
4819 Kahala Avenue C Honolulu 96816 is listed Courtesy of Compass (808) 825-4277
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