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Single Family Home in Maunalani Heights - Diamond Head Oahu
Located at the top of Maunalani Heights, this home has an airy, high ceiling, tropical design that fits perfectly on a quiet dead end street. The clear cedar ceiling and eucalyptus hardwood floors (from the big island) give a warm and welcoming feel. The recently renovated kitchen is stylish and functionally welcoming to cook in, with an ocean view that will never cease to delight. The home features a very open Living/Dining/Kitchen floorplan with three large bedrooms and one full bath up the 4 small steps on the left and a large primary bedroom with en suite bath to the right. The high ceilings and abundant windows allow the fragrant breezes to flow through the home, keeping it comfortable year-round. The roof is custom copper standing seam, for beauty and ease of care. The adjacent greenhouse provides ample space for laundry, storage or large outdoor projects. The large yard is rimmed with bushes for privacy and feels like your own little paradise. It also features a lychee tree, 2 pomegranate trees, a tangelo tree, a Surinam cherry, 2 clumps of banana trees, and multiple plumeria trees. There is a building height restriction of 976 feet above sea level (the current roofline).
4952 Mana Place Honolulu 96816 is listed Courtesy of Ruby Realty Llc (808) 352-0231
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