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Single Family Home in Ewa Gen Alii Cove - Ewa Plain Oahu
Open house this Sunday, March 2, from 1:00-4:00 PM—no appointment required! No private showings until after the first open house; offer deadline is Friday, March 7, at 8:00 PM. Discover the absolute best value in all of Ewa Gentry! Fully renovated in late 2023 and unoccupied since, this pristine home shines with fresh Platinum Gray interior paint, new ceiling fans, and modern lighting throughout. Every appliance—including the washer and dryer in the garage—is brand new. Professionally installed all-new vinyl flooring with fresh baseboards elevates the interior. All shut-off valves, including the main water valve, have been replaced for peace of mind. This turnkey gem is ready for its next owner! Ask your Realtor for a copy of the pre-listing professional home inspection report with photos, available after Thursday, February 27. We prioritize transparency—buyers can review the detailed condition of this property before submitting offers. Disclaimer: The roof is original with no history of leaks, but it’s nearing the time for replacement; this has been factored into the price.
91-209 Hookaulike Place 3 Ewa Beach 96706 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty (808) 725-2794
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