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Single Family Home
Ewa Gen Terrazza - Ewa Plain
2.5% Loan Assumption, for VA buyers! 24 Owned Solar PV Panels & Solar Water Heater ($71K installed value!) This is the Verona model, w/ Extra-large Primary Bedroom Retreat, Offering Generous space & options to convert extra space to living quarters. What more could you want?! Maintenance Fees include water/sewer bill. New Central AC as of Jan '23 w/Nest thermostat? Check. Lower than average power bills? Check (Average bill only $140.) Short walk to the Community Pool, BBQ & play area? Check. Upgraded, Water Resistant Flooring? Check. Den/Study at top of stairs? Check. Parking for Four Cars? Check. No houses in back, opens up your View. Near Foodland, Holomua Elementary, Laulani Village Shopping, Dog Park, Hawaii Prince & Coral Creek Golf Clubs are all nearby. Just a little further to Kamakana Ali'i mall (Movies, Cheesecake Factory, Macy's), White Plains Surf & Sunsets, the Wai Kai Wave Pool & Resort Community of Ko'olina (Four Seasons and Disney)- this is 808 Living! Payments on Assumable VA balance $770,829.72 (as of Feb '25) is $3516/month & includes taxes & insurance of $241.74/mo. Buyer(s) and their agent(s) to confirm square footage of lot.
91-355 Makalea Street 164 Ewa Beach 96706 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty (808) 725-2794
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