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Single Family Home in Hoakalei-Kuapapa - Ewa Plain Oahu
Gorgeous beach-style home on a premium corner lot located in Kuapapa at Hoakalei. This home boasts pride of ownership with numerous upgrades: cherry wood built-in closet, plantation shutters, security alarm system, covered deck, upgraded counter tops, and too many more to mention. From the moment you enter the home, you'll instantly feel resort-style living at it's best! With Hoakalei Golf Course on one end, and a beach scene on the other, you're sure to get the best of both worlds. Conveniently near schools, shops, dining, and Hawaii's newest water adventure destination, Wai Kai Lagoon Club. At Wai Kai Lagoon, Kuapapa residents have access to surf, paddle boarding, canoe, rent gear and take water sports lessons or just relax and enjoy live entertainment. The 76 South lifestyle offers multiple shopping centers, restaurants, golf courses, and beaches. Queens Medical Center and straight path to Wheeler Air Force and Schofield Barracks Army bases. Plenty of guest parking and street parking. Motivated Seller! Association Fee includes cable, high-speed internet, access to Kuapapa Community pool and Wai Kai Lagoon Club. Open House on Sunday 2/16 from 1pm -4pm. Come visit us!
91-1366 Kaileolea Drive Ewa Beach 96706 is listed Courtesy of 20 Degrees North Real Estate (808) 388-5555
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