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Single Family Home
Hoopili-Aulu - Ewa Plain
**24 OWNED SOLAR PANELS and 2 TESLA BATTERY** Welcome to your new home—a spacious 4-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom gem located in Aulu @ Hoopili, with one of the biggest backyards I have ever seen. This stunning residence boasts vinyl planks on the first floor and upgraded carpeting on the stairs and second floor. Meticulously maintained with evident pride of ownership, this home is ready for you to make it your own. The extended lanai gives you ample space to entertain family and guests. With owned PV panels and 2 TESLA power walls, you can stay cool during the hot summer days of Ewa while enjoying the comfort of your massive yard for entertaining friends and family on cool evenings. Many upgrades such as ceiling fans in all living spaces, WATER SOFTNER and fully fenced in yard add to the beauty. One of the few communities with a GAS connection for our beloved Chefs. Situated conveniently near Ka Makana Ali'i Mall, UH West Campus, Costco, Walmart, Kroc Center, and everything Ewa Beach and Kapolei have to offer, this home offers both convenience and luxury living. Plus, it's just a short distance from the Konane neighborhood park, community center, dog park, and 3 rail stations.
91-3422 Maohiohi Loop Ewa Beach 96706 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty (808) 725-2794
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