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Condo in Hoopili-Haloa - Ewa Plain Oahu
THIS IS NO JOKE! HUGE PRICE ADJUSTMENT - VA ASSUMABLE 3.625% FOR QUALIFIED VETS - Desirable Haloa at Ho'opili - Spacious 3BR, 2.5 bath townhome w/private front & back yards. Ho'opili offers a beautiful wide street w/double sidewalks, bike lanes & additional parking right in front of this townhome. BRAND NEW 24K BTU CARRIER Split System & 30K BTU CARRIER compressor (10yr warranty) plus all other A/C units were recently cleaned & sanitized. BRAND NEW Badger 1/2 HP trash disposal. 1st - offers large living room/dining area, 1/2 bath, kitchen w/SS appliances, & island counter. 2nd - offers 3 generous sized BRs w/climate control systems. Large main BR suite has double sinks, shower, & toilet. The main hall full bath has tub/shower combo. Convenient full-sized stackable laundry on 2nd floor. Ho’opili offers a community pool, BBQ area, & recreation room for endless entertainment opportunities. Ewa Beach is centrally located w/easy on/off freeway. Nearby is newer Ka Makana Alii Mall, restaurants, COSTCO, Home Depot, convenience to Schofield Barracks, JBPHH, Ko' Olina, minutes to Honolulu Int'l Airport, Waikiki, Univ of Hawaii, Queens Medical Center, golf courses, & SOHO Community Center.
91-960 Iwikuamoo Street 304 Ewa Beach 96706 is listed Courtesy of Corcoran Pacific Properties (808) 589-2040
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