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Single Family Home
Kapolei-Iwalani - Ewa Plain
JACKPOT! You found the one. No private showings until after the first open house, this Sunday, March 9, 11:00am to 2:00pm. Step into a fully renovated detached single-family with its own private driveway, an uncommon perk in this neighborhood. Inside, a stunning new kitchen dazzles with fresh cabinets and counters, paired with a brand new range/oven, plus gently used dishwasher & refrigerator. Split AC cools the living, dining area & Primary bedroom, while soaring high ceilings, so tall you could swing a golf club, make the space feel massive. All new lights, ceiling fans, and sleek vinyl flooring flow through the bottom floor. Upstairs, plush brand new carpet cushions the stairs and bedrooms. Double pane windows throughout, and plantation shutters in the living room add luxury and efficiency. New vanities & counters shine in every bathroom, and the entire interior has been freshly re-painted. Outside, a durable tile roof promises years of life, and a fully enclosed backyard boasts lush new sod for a pristine lawn. Buyers, make an informed choice, ask your Realtor for the pre-listing home inspection, already paid by the seller. Offers due Friday, March 14, 9:00 PM.
91-1145 Lanakoi Street Kapolei 96707 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty (808) 725-2794
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