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Single Family Home in Ko Olina - Ewa Plain Oahu
RESORT LIVING at its finest! Located on the SIGNATURE 18TH HOLE, KO OLINA KAI GOLF ESTATE 11 shines with the beauty and pride of ownership! This estate was never rented and has been occupied very little. This upgraded home boasts an OPEN FLOOR PLAN, with the primary bedroom suite conveniently located downstairs. Multiple UPGRADES include: the new wood floors in the living/dining areas, as well as the primary bedroom, new SOFT-CLOSE cabinets, GRANITE countertops in the kitchen, laundry room, and downstairs bathroom. One of the 2 AC units was recently replaced. PLANTATION SHUTTERS throughout the house. Relax on YOUR PATIO as you watch the golfers and gaze onto a beautifully landscaped GOLF COURSE! This is the perfect place for ENTERTAINING guests OUTDOORS as you BBQ, and take in the breathtaking views. Delicious dining options at ROY'S, that's literally 1 MIN WALK from this ESTATE 11, as well as other options at KO OLINA SHOPPING PLAZA: MONKEYPOD, MINA'S FISH HOUSE, Eggs n Things, Starbucks, etc. - less than 10-min. walk. Amenities include a POOL WITH CABANAS AND FREE WI-FI, GYM, TENNIS COURTS, YOGA CLASSES, and more. Come and see all that Ko'Olina Kai Golf Estate11 has to offer you!
92-1019H Koio Drive S11 Kapolei 96707 is listed Courtesy of The Surrealty Group (808) 675-8887
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