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Ko Olina - Ewa Plain
Featuring a one of a kind Ko Olina Golf Estates unit located in the Ko Olina Kai gated community with access to all resort amenities: golf, tennis, pool and spa, fitness center and only short stroll to four beautiful lagoons and sandy beaches, and world class resorts with fine dining, entertainment and shopping. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious lanai and one car garage with tandem driveway parking has served as a second home since purchased in Aug 2021. Extremely high-quality upgrades include Blue/Gray Italian Porcelain tile, Custom Wooden stairs and handrail, Plantation shutters, full size washer and dryer. Newest upgrades since Aug 2021 installed by professionals: new Trane Central A/C system, Crown Molding, freshly painted inside and out, new window and door screens, new LG refrigerator, new KitchenAid Dishwasher, new Hot Water Heater, new high-quality lighting and ceiling fans, California Closet Systems in all bedrooms with premium mirror doors, new bedroom carpet, new Kohler toilets, new bath and kitchen faucets, new premium InSinkErator disposal. From the moment you step inside, you will know you're at home in this island paradise! More photos in slideshow.
92-1081E Koio Drive M26-5 Kapolei 96707 is listed Courtesy of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Prop. (808) 377-1200
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