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Condo in Ocean Pointe - Ewa Plain Oahu
** SELLER IS WILLING TO OFFER " VA ASSUMABLE " TO QUALIFIED VA BUYERS ONLY. BALANCE OWED $ 517,000 @ RATE 2.75 %. MONTHLY PAYMENT $ 2513.20 ( HOA DUES NOT INCLUDED ) *** PRICE REDUCED FOR A QUICK SALE **SELLER WILL CREDIT BUYERS $ 10,000 THROUGH ESCROW AT CLOSING TO BE USED BY BUYERS TO BUY DOWN RATE OR ANY OTHER LENDER APPROVED CLOSING COSTS ** 91-2027 Kaioli St # 3604, EWA BEACH, HI 96706. SPINNAKER TOWNHOMES ** Corner end, Pet friendly, Central Ac, two story townhouse facing a beautiful landscaped garden in the Spinnaker in Ewa Beach Attached a 2 car garage. Living / Dining area, 1/2 bath & Kitchen downstairs have ceramic floors. Open plan Kitchen with all stainless steel appliances. 3 bedrooms upstairs have carpet in average condtion. Primary bedroom has ensuite bath & walk in closet. Fenced in yard. Pool & BBQ area in the complex. Lots of guest parking. Located close to schools, shops, retaurants, parks & beautiful beaches. Short drive to Schofield, Wheeler & Pearl Harbor bases, Ka Makana Alii Mall, KoOlina resorts & lagoons. On Bus Line. VACANT & EASY TO SEE !! MAKE US AN OFFER !!
91-2027 Kaioli Street 3604 Ewa Beach 96706 is listed Courtesy of Re/Max Honolulu realestate.jet@gmail.com
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