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Single Family Home in Hahaione-Lower - Hawaii Kai Oahu
Calling all gardening enthusiasts! Wonderful opportunity to own a single level home in Hawaii Kai, with only a few stairs to your front door. This well maintained property and landscaped yard has been lovingly cared for - for decades! Enjoy a bonus area behind the property, at the foot of the mountain, that has been devotedly cultivated as a secret garden oasis! Perfect area to play, escape, meditate, yoga, garden or just be one with Mother Nature. This 3 bed/2 bath home has open beam cedar ceilings throughout, horizontal lap siding and a white coated cap sheet roof. It also has a spacious covered lanai - which shares the space with a lava rock wall, adorned with orchids! Plus a covered washer, dryer area with a clothes line (not in a garage). It is a perfect space to BBQ and entertain just off the family room. The home is in good condition and could use some updating to make it your perfect piece of paradise. For peace of mind, there are video security cameras. The Hawaii Kai lifestyle has it all: local restaurants, shopping, hiking trails, beaches, surfing, parks, marina activities and much more! Costco and world famous Hanauma Bay are a bonus! As-Is. Other fee is sewer.
617 Hahaione Street Honolulu 96825 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life (800) 667-5028
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