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Single Family Home
Koko Kai - Hawaii Kai
Sophisticated, Modern, Unlimited Ocean Views... Designed to relish in the beauty of magnificent indoor spaces coupled w/ a seamless integration to expansive outdoor living this stunning ultra-luxury residence designed by renowned HI Architect Jim McPeak offers uninterrupted Diamond HD, ocean & coastline views, and the best direct sunset vistas on the island. Situated on Oahu’s Southeastern shoreline overlooking Maunalua Bay this breathtaking 6-BD, 7.5-BA residence offers exceptional appointments & a true private luxury resort experience. The Great Rm welcomes you w/its awe-inspiring panoramic landscapes, soaring custom wood inlaid ceilings, pocketing walls of glass & assortment of natural stone textures. The chef’s kitchen w/prof appliances provides a wonderful connection to both the dining alcove & lounge areas. The Primary Suite w/ secluded sitting nook, seaside lanai and dream spa like bath is stunning, Each BD suite provides a sensory experience & soothing sounds of the ocean waves. This modern-day masterpiece is complete w/ a gated, dual access driveway providing ample onsite parking + garage parking for 3-cars. For those in search of a stunning island villa, welcome home.
176 Hanapepe Loop Honolulu 96825 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 596-0456
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