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Single Family Home in Koko Kai - Hawaii Kai Oahu
A rare opportunity in sought-after Koko Kai! Enter a perfectly sized immaculate home that is breathtaking from the moment you step in. The open contemporary design provides an endless variety of stunning views of ocean, sunsets, Diamond Head, Maunalua Bay, Koko Crater and panoramic mountain vistas. This solidly built concrete residence with attached 2-car garage is secure and private with attractive wrap-around lava rock walls combined with cedar wood fencing, a pedestrian entry gate and motorized vehicle gate. Warm landscape lighting at dusk guides you up the driveway to the garage area. The single level air-conditioned main floor with 3 bdrms and 2 baths offers an open layout of a natural light filled kitchen flowing seamlessly into living areas with endless views that capture the beauty of this area. Glorious sunsets change the artistry of these rooms with amazing colors that are sure to delight. Motorized solar shades grace the living room and primary bedroom. A perfect blend of modern luxury and tranquil island living, every facet of this home has been meticulously attended to. Welcome to an enjoyable lifestyle in this prestigious community on the Portlock side of Hawaii Kai!
273 Poipu Drive Honolulu 96825 is listed Courtesy of Corcoran Pacific Properties (808) 589-2040
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