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Single Family Home in Marina West - Hawaii Kai Oahu
Listed below appraised value! Discover luxurious coastal living with this exquisite property boasting the largest boat slip in Marina West and breathtaking panoramic views of the tranquil marina waters. Your vessel will be accommodated with ample space, providing access to the waters of the marina for endless maritime adventures. Nestled in a prestigious Hawaii Kai community, this stunning island home on a large lot offers an unparalleled lifestyle experience. Indulge in picturesque sunsets and mornings filled with serenity as you gaze out onto the marina from your private terrace. Watch boats glide by and revel in the gentle sounds of the sea - a truly mesmerizing sight. Also experience the yearly Christmas boat parade from your own back patio! Immerse yourself in the allure of coastal living in a spacious 4 bedroom, 4 bath home (with 2 en suites upstairs and 1 downstairs) designed for both comfort and elegance. Many renovations have been done throughout the years, including 24 OWNED PV panels added, new split AC units, home alarm with motion detectors, and kitchen remodel. The downstairs bathroom remodel with walk in jacuzzi tub was done in 2023.
243 Ainahou Street Honolulu 96825 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 676-7200
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