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Condo in West Marina - Hawaii Kai Oahu
Welcome to your castle in the sky in Hawaii Kai, where luxury living meets breathtaking views! This stunning condo sits on the fourth floor and boasts panoramic views of Hawai'i Kai Marina, Maunalua Bay, Koko Head, and lush greenery that will take your breath away. Located in one of the most sought-after neighborhoods on the island of Oahu, this property offers the perfect blend of relaxation and convenience. As you step inside, you will be greeted by an open, spacious living area with floor-to-ceiling windows providing unobstructed views. The modern and stylish residence was tastefully remodeled in 2021. The unit also includes two generously sized bedrooms with two full baths, providing plenty of privacy and space for you and your family or guests, and two garage parking spaces. The Mt Terrace Condominium community is known for its top-drawer amenities and twenty-four-hour staff. Conveniently located in the heart of Hawaii Kai, this property is just minutes away from various locally owned restaurants, shopping centers, and recreational options, including hiking, fishing, boating, and kayaking. Don't miss your chance to say "aloha" to your new piece of paradise.
250 Kawaihae Street 1D Honolulu 96825 is listed Courtesy of Rainbows And Homes Inc.
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