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Condo in West Marina - Hawaii Kai Oahu
NEW PRICE-BELOW TAX ASSESSMENT. GREAT VALUE FOR THIS POPULAR/DESIRED HIGH FLOOR FLEX UNIT WITH AMAZING MARINA VIEWS AS SEEN IN THE PHOTO!! Former Sales Model for HALE KA LAE. Two units for the price of one! The Flex floor plan offers 3 ROOMS and two full bathrooms between main unit and adjoining studio, each with separate entry, unit numbers and mailboxes. Studio can also be the primary bedroom and keep as one unit. Great options. Two full size covered side by side parking stalls. Stacked Washer Dryer. Great investment, 1031 exchange, extended family home, or live in one rent the other. Amenities: Saltwater Pool, Hot Tub, Fitness Center, Meeting Rooms, Movie Theater, Laundry Center, Mailroom-Package Concierge System, Cabanas with BBQ, Great Lawn/Playground, Dog Park, Ample Guest Parking. Hale Ka Lae: Secured and Pet Friendly building, built with Fire Sprinklers, Hurricane Insurance is at 100%, and No Special Assessments. Close to US Post Office, Safeway, CVS/Longs, Costco, City Mill, great Restaurants etc. Close to Popular Beaches and Hikes on the East Side!! A must see for a building less than 10 years old in Hawaii Kai with reasonable HOA Fees. Easy to see!
7000 Hawaii Kai Drive 3714 Honolulu 96825 is listed Courtesy of Cf Properties & Management Llc (808) 947-9183
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