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Single Family Home in Koko Head Terrace - Honolulu Oahu
VA Assumable Loan with 28 year left on Loan with an interest rate of 2.75 percent. The balance is approximately $719,000. The home was rebuilt in 2020 & 2021 during Covid. This a ranch style single floor home with a beautiful mountain view from the living room. The home has a lofted ceiling with ceiling fans & a split air conditioner above the front door of the home. The kitchen has all new cabinets & a stove resides in an island in front of the kitchen cabinets. Each room as doors that lead to the outside yard area or back patio area of the home. Due to the aging & damage of the original walls of the home, they were all replaced with double wall construction using treated timber & drywall with external siding. The roof was also replaced during this same period. Most all of the window were replaced with new vinyl windows. The original tile flooring was removed & replaced with vinyl plank flooring. No. of baths & sq ft differ from tax record. “All comments, data is provided by seller or seller's representatives. Buyer to do own due diligence. Limited Service–Data Entry Addendum signed by seller/s must be signed by buyer/s with Purchase Contract."
7302 Mokuone St Honolulu 96825 is listed Courtesy of Nathalie Mullinix Realty Universal, Inc.
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