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Single Family Home in Beachside - Kailua Oahu
One of Hawaii's Premier Beachfront Estates. Located on Kailua Beach and completed in 2012 this inspiring home was designed by award-winning Gast Architects of San Francisco and awarded the GOLD certification from LEED. Privately gated with 125 feet of beachfront width on the only beach to be called the world's best 2 times. 20 minutes to HNL Intl. airport and Honolulu, minutes to Hawaii's best beach-town of Kailua. With over 11,000 square feet of indoor-outdoor living this property has integrated sustainability and smart home features including energy-efficient lighting, audio/media, whole home water filtration, climate-controlled pantry, heated pool, security, PV+ solar, elevator, backup generator with ust, etc.
123 Kailuana Loop Kailua 96734 is listed Courtesy of Carvill Sotheby's Intl. Realty (808) 263-5900
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