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Condo in Enchanted Lake - Kailua Oahu
Amazing views welcome you at this move-in ready, three bedroom, two bath townhome. You will be greeted by a stunning lanai with great views of Enchanted Lake, while enjoying a private, hillside entrance offering security and tranquility. The unit has a very functional layout, with a large kitchen, two bedrooms, a full bathroom, and a laundry area on the first floor. The custom kitchen boasts beautiful cherry cabinets featuring etched glass scenes of Kailua created by a local artist. There are vinyl windows and sliders throughout, with tinting applied to those facing east. All shower doors and granite have a nanotech coating to prevent water spots. You will also find exceptional storage, with a patio shed, a clean utility closet, and custom California Closet systems throughout. The unit has four mini-split A/C units and hypoallergenic luxury vinyl flooring. The unit also comes with two assigned parking stalls. Lakeview is a hidden gem, conveniently located in the esteemed Blue Ribbon Ka'elepulu School District and within walking distance of vibrant Kailua Town. Additional Ka’opa neighborhood amenities include wide streets, underground utilities, and stunning Ko’olau views.
1220 Akipohe Street 1B Kailua 96734 is listed Courtesy of Dm Luxury Homes Llc (808) 387-7710
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