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Kailua Town - Kailua
From the peaceful sound of waterfalls to an oasis of koi ponds and lagoons, colorful natural landscaping, and unbelievably striking mountain views, Windward Harbour is a nature-lover’s paradise in the heart of Kailua. It’s move in ready and has it all: brand-new stainless-steel appliances, custom-built shelving, refinished bamboo floors, new carpet, new paint providing a blank canvas to envision your dream, travertine tiling, and all-new energy efficient ceiling fans. The bathrooms have been lightly remodeled, and the primary bath includes a nicely tiled walk-in shower. High ceilings and large windows allow an abundance of natural light, and the private 120 sf lanai overlooks the gardens and the lagoon. Resort-like amenities include a heated salt-water pool, saltwater jacuzzi, 2 tennis/pickleball courts, BBQ area, party room, secure bike and surfboard lockers, security, dedicated storage locker, and ample guest parking. And it’s very pet friendly! You can’t beat this location with Target, Safeway, Whole Foods, all the charming boutiques, plenty of local eateries, and not to mention world famous Kailua beach right down the street. Come by our next open house, Feb 16th, 2-5pm.
1030 Aoloa Place 207B Kailua 96734 is listed Courtesy of American Dream Realty Llc (808) 258-2436
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