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Single Family Home in Kalaheo Hillside - Kailua Oahu
Welcome to your beautiful new home—just 37 stairs away from your own slice of paradise! This lovely single-family house features two spacious bedrooms and two bathrooms, making it perfect for comfortable living. As you enter, you’ll be greeted by an open living area that is filled with natural light and connects beautifully to the kitchen. The kitchen offers lots of counter space and a versatile portion that converts into a desk, along with a rolling kitchen island that matches the decor, providing you with the flexibility to adapt the space to your needs. The wrap-around lanai is the ideal spot to take in breathtaking sunrise and ocean views while enjoying the tropical breeze surrounded by tropical landscaping. Split AC systems, lots of custom features and convenient storage underneath the house. Perfect combination of comfort, elegance and functionality.
533 Ilimano Street B Kailua 96734 is listed Courtesy of Luva Llc (808) 262-5882
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