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Single Family Home
Lanikai - Kailua
Modern Island Luxury at its finest! Completed in 2018 by award winning firm, Longhouse Design+Build, this spectacular residence offers clean contemporary lines & seamless design. Unbeatable location, between 2 of the world's most beautiful beaches, Kailua & Lanikai! Enjoy breathtaking views of sparkling turquoise waters, stunning sun/moon rises, sea turtles, paddlers & kite surfers, Popoia Island & The Mokuluas. Perfect as a primary residence or second home, this incredible property offers 100 linear ft of expansive oceanfront lawn w/seawall & adjacent water access. Private courtyard features a sleek spa/dipping pool surrounded by mature lipstick palms, anthuriums, lush ferns & hibiscus. Addt'l luxuries include central AC, gourmet kitchen w/walk in pantry, Subzero, Miele & Wolf appliances, marble counters & travertine floors, steam shower, automated shades, back-up generator, Fleetwood doors/windows, custom sapele mahogany cabinets, video security & Sonos sound throughout. Ultra-luxury, convenience & privacy! Only 2 minutes to Mid-Pac Country Club & Golf, 2 miles to Kailua Town & Whole Foods, close to Castle Hospital & just 20 miles to HNL airport or Downtown Honolulu.
766 Mokulua Drive Kailua 96734 is listed Courtesy of Compass (808) 825-4277
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