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Single Family Home
Waimanalo - Kailua
Live among Hawaii's natural wonders & unsurpassed beauty at this extraordinary Pahonu Beach estate. Spanning nearly 1 acre, this oceanfront property includes 152 linear feet along the Pacific Ocean. Nestled in a private, gated location, the 2 lot compound offers over 8600 sq ft of living area in its main house, guest house, cottage, and studio. Expansive lawns provide mesmerizing views across the ocean to Manama (Rabbit) Island and stunning vistas of the Koolau Mountains. The main house completed in 2022, sets a new standard of quality craftsmanship. Exceptional design, flawlessly executed using premium materials, creates a luxurious, beautiful, and comfortable home. Floor to ceiling sliding glass doors span the oceanfront side, providing spectacular views of the lush landscaping and ocean. The gourmet kitchen includes top of the line appliances, custom walnut cabinetry, and a disappearing pantry consistent with its sleek, modern design. Next door includes a 3BR oceanfront guest house, 2BR cottage and studio. This irreplaceable compound offers its next owner an opportunity to enjoy a spectacular lifestyle with family and friends in a magnificent oceanfront setting.
41-471 Kalanianaole Highway Waimanalo 96795 is listed Courtesy of Caron B Realty (808) 593-9826
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