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Single Family Home in Hauula - Kaneohe Oahu
This one-of-a-kind property is boasting with country charm. Gorgeous 2 bedroom 3.5 bath home on the north shore, at the end of cul-de-sac. Beautiful vaulted ceilings that offer wonderful natural lighting with ocean and mountain views. Spacious open-concept kitchen and dining room area that opens up through french doors to a fully fenced private paradise, complete with movie screen and wired for sound. This home features: 24 PV panel owned system with Tesla power wall, above ground pool with built-in trex deck, backyard entertaining space (currently used as a home tiki bar), detached guest house (currently used as a home office), granite countertops, gas range, walk-in shower, solar attic fans, and split AC’s. Fruit trees including starfruit, lilikoi, cherry, orange, lime, avocado, papaya, fig, pomelo, and banana. Extra full bath in the back of the house perfect for cleaning up after a long day at the beach or after a soak in the pool. Close to beaches, hiking, schools, BYU, PCC, grocery, and parks. Don’t miss the opportunity for your own private tropical oasis!
54-228 Honomu Street Hauula 96717 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop
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