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Condo in Kaaawa - Kaneohe Oahu
Welcome To Your Coastal Retreat! This charming studio offers the perfect blend of comfort and windward shoreline living. Nestled between the ocean and the Ko’olau mountains, this property boasts breathtaking vistas. Upon entering the home, you’re greeted by a uniquely re-imagined layout that maximizes the space and takes full advantage of the morning sunlight that flows gently into the unit across the cooler side of the complex. The outdoor patio fronts a lush yet tranquil garden and provides a cozy living area ideal for morning coffee, evening cocktails, or for sheer relaxation throughout the day. The fully remodeled kitchen, updated with brand new appliances is perfect for preparing any meal. And a cleverly re-designed floorplan incorporates a pantry, a closet for your personal belongings, as well as a separate laundry. With the ocean just steps away, you’ll appreciate the convenience of both beach access with leisurely strolls along the shoreline, as well as the Crouching Lion hike in your backyard. All in all, this is an exceptional turn-key opportunity for those seeking to escape the hustle & bustle or for someone who’s simply in search of a savvy investment property.
51-636 Kamehameha Highway 215 Kaaawa 96730 is listed Courtesy of Real Broker, Llc (855) 450-0442
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