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Single Family Home
Kaalaea - Kaneohe
Breathtaking, Mediterranean style home nestled within 23 acres at the foot of the Ko'olau Mountains and just minutes from the conveniences of town and beaches. Spectacular views of the coastline and mountains from every room in the home. Amazing transition from living room to the gorgeous outdoor lanai that features an infinity pool, outdoor kitchen, and foldable outswing custom patio doors. This is a smart home, equipped with: built in speakers, retractable screens, ac controls, and even a powerful outdoor speaker arrangement that can give you your own personal soundtrack as you soak in the natural beauty of the property. Home comes with an elevator, 3 car garage, double-gated entrance, PV system with 120 panels and batteries for backup power, spring feed water system, imported limestone tile, zen garden, and koi pond. Delight in your nightly intimate walks in the moonlight, hike up the Ko'olaus, or have a picnic by the Koi pond. This property is one of the most unique luxury properties in all of Hawaii. Make your dreams come true with this island estate that is perfect for both adventure and relaxation. Experience luxury the minute you enter drive through the gate.
47-958 Kamakoi Road Kaneohe 96744 is listed Courtesy of Keller Williams Honolulu (808) 212-9210
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