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Single Family Home in Kokokahi - Kaneohe Oahu
Your "Secret Garden" near the Friendship Garden in Kaneohe. A private retreat with over 56 acres of lush forest, grassy knolls, and hidden valleys to explore with stunning ocean, city, mountain, coastline and Pali views. Enjoy a variety of fruit from your edible forest and gardens including avocado, mango, and grapes dipped in your own honey. Plant native trees, enrich and protect the environment. Fences, gates, sheds, shelters, water, electricity, composting toilets, a screened aviary, terraced gardening planters and additional infrastructure exist to support gardening, landscaping, animal husbandry ( small numbers of sheep, goats, ducks, and chickens), and land management DLNR approved under Conservation District Use Permit (CDUP-OA-3636). Remnants of the original home (lost to fire decades ago) provide a perfect shady place to create, work or play. A new residence may not be built on this property under current DLNR and CPR restrictions. This very special place will be shown by appointment only. Wonderful opportunity for a Land Trust acquisition, research or demonstration garden, halau, artist, outdoor education.
45-234 Kokokahi Place A Kaneohe 96744 is listed Courtesy of Locations Llc (808) 488-7700
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