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Single Family Home
Lilipuna - Kaneohe
Reach the top of the Summit at Kaneohe & have your breath taken away by the magnificent views of Kaneohe Bay, the Pacific Ocean beyond & the expansive Koolau Mountains. This home is poised in a most desirable location with a large, usable lot & is designed to take in the sky & heavenly views from every room. Large windows & sliding doors invite wonderful light, breezes, & colors into this home. Vaulted ceilings throughout contribute to its spaciousness. The kitchen & dining area are elevated. The living room offers dramatic ceilings & enlarged windows. It flows casually to the open patio facing the ocean. The large lot is landscaped and situated on the perimeter of the Summit. The inviting primary ensuite bedroom has a deck & an abundance of storage. The primary suite bathroom has been renovated. This property also offers a large, attached garage & driveway. The Summit at Kaneohe is a gated community close to Windward Mall, Kaneohe Marine Corp Base, medical services, & WCC. A welcoming pavilion & guest parking is located just across the lane. Monthly HOA fees include cable tv, water, sewer, trash collection, & common area maintenance.
45-177 Lilipuna Road J Kaneohe 96744 is listed Courtesy of Hokua Hawaii Realty, Llc (808) 258-5125
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