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Condo in Lilipuna - Kaneohe Oahu
VIEWS BEYOND COMPARE! Come home everyday to stunning unobstructed panoramic ocean views of Kaneohe Bay & the Ko'olau Mountains! Ensuring privacy and peace, this single-level townhome residence is situated in the last building - tucked away at the very end of Konohiki Street. With only 5 steps to your front door, step inside to the open floor plan with expansive glass doors to maximize indoor / outdoor living with natural light. Enjoy the serenity & the cool island breezes from your sizable covered lanai. The primary comes equipped with en-suite bath & walk-in closet. Bonus features include split AC's, stainless steel appliances, pantry, storage, in-unit stacked laundry & two assigned parking stalls. This pet-friendly complex offers a multitude of amenities such as: three swimming pools, jacuzzi, tennis courts, walking / jogging paths, clubhouse, BBQ areas, landscaped grounds, ample guest parking & security patrol. Just minutes away from all conveniences: Kane'ohe Town, Windward Mall, Kane'ohe Marine Base & Kailua. Easy highway access close by to get you to Honolulu & beyond! Experience your best life in the heart of Kane'ohe! Welcome HOME to your dreams...HERE at Poha Kea Point!
46-035 Konohiki Street 3842 Kaneohe 96744 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 262-3104
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