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Single Family Home in Lulani Ocean - Kaneohe Oahu
Nature Lover's Paradise - this Lulani Ocean neighborhood is known for its tropical, peaceful, and country feel. Just 1.5 miles to the Heeia Kea Boat Harbor, perfect for boating, fishing, paddling, and diving - yet close to Kaneohe Town with excellent shopping, restaurants, and schools - all while having easy access to all the Highways making this a fantastic LOCATION. Tall open-beam ceilings and bay views greet you upon entry; the main level is on the second floor, the flooring - Hardwood Bamboo with designer tile throughout the home. A custom-designed kitchen with a herringbone backsplash and Viking appliances that will bring out your inner Chef. Entertaining is a breeze with very generous screened indoor and outdoor lanais featuring a solar-lit gazebo out by the barbecue where fun memories will be made. Tinkerers and hobbyists will love the workshop in the garage, and the two-car garage is oversized for extra storage. So get your water toys ready; you are a short walk to sitting on the beach at the bay. Let's start a new lifestyle in your own piece of Paradise. Call us today, we are ready to set up your tour.
47-228 Kamehameha Highway Kaneohe 96744 is listed Courtesy of Compass (808) 825-4277
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