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Condo in Temple Valley - Kaneohe Oahu
MAJOR PRICE REDUCTION!! Seller ready to move on to their next project and their loss can be your GAIN!! Have you always dreamed of outdoor entertaining steps from your living room??? Dream no more... it can happen today! This contractor's personal residence boasts of all the little 'extras' you have dreamed about including 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths and a spacious, open floorplan. Enjoy the enclosed 2-car garage, along with the crowning jewel... a spacious master suite with expanded closets and enough room for a home office, newborn nursery or a quiet nook to get away from it all. Enjoy the majestic Koolau mountain views in every direction as Hokuloa is nestled in the heart of the Koolau Mountain range! Enclosed 2 car garage with remote entry. The location of this unit provides for maximum privacy with minimum exposure to other units. Entertaining the extended family? Hokuloa C has you covered!! Plan your event at the spacious Recreation Center where you will find something for everyone! Enjoy the comfortable community pool, sauna, kiddie pool, 2 tennis courts, basketball court and multiple playgrounds for your family and guests to enjoy.
47-028 Hui Iwa Place 45E Kaneohe 96744 is listed Courtesy of Tia J Nakanelua (808) 221-0660
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