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Condo in Windward Estates - Kaneohe Oahu
These sellers are motivated with a price decrease on this breezy, well-maintained home. Such versatile space for any family. There are enclosed outdoor spaces running along two sides of the unit with access from each of the bedrooms and the living room. Do your gardening on one side and dine el fresco on the other. There is an indoor dining area and a laundry room with its own outdoor access. The spacious primary bedroom includes an ensuite bath and walk-in closet. The kitchen, floors, split air units, refrigerator and washer/dryer were done in 2012 and have been well cared for. The windows and doors in the living room and primary bedroom were replaced with the split air installation. Amenities abound at Windward Estates with a scenic pond area, pool, tennis court, separate saunas for men and women, and a dog park. There is even a community play set just outside the unit. Windward Mall, Safeway, Longs, and more are just down road. All this convenience in a great living space. AND full hurricane coverage.
46-078 Emepela Place D101 Kaneohe 96744 is listed Courtesy of Century 21 Iproperties Hawaii (808) 791-1020
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