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Single Family Home in Maili - Leeward Oahu
Why Rent? Own & Reap Endless Benefits, Giving Your Family & Yourself what you Deserve! A Home to Get Rooted & Thrive w/Your Own Chunk of Island Living at its Finest! Let the Tropical Breeze, Greenery & Views throughout soothe you with 7,282 sq. ft. of Private Estate & Driveway. Beautifully Remodeled, Upgraded, Serene, Comfortable, & Economically Friendly Home of 2,141 Sq. Ft. of Living Area w/NO HOA or Maintenance Fees EVER! Take Advantage of New 35 PV Solar Panels w/2 Tesla Storage Batteries averaging 1k-2k KWH/mo. & Solar Water Heating System while Entertaining Family & Friends, Hosting Guests, or Just Living in Luxury for Economical & Financial Stability Now & in the Future. Versatility of Home provides Peace & Comfort to Live as One, Separately, or w/an Additional Rental Income or 2. 4 Bedrooms, 2 being PRIMARY: Down & Up w/2 Sinks, Closets, & Spacious Decks where Everyone will Love the Mountain Range, Ocean, & Star Filled Skies Views. 3 Full Baths, Huge Bonus Room, Indoor Laundry w/Vaulted Ceiling in Kitchen & Dining Area w/Extra-Large Island w/Soft Close Cabinetry, Quartz Countertops, & Stainless Steel Appliances. Imagine the Joy Kids & Pets will have in Their Own Yard!
87-687 Manuaihue Street Waianae 96792 is listed Courtesy of West Beach Realty, Inc. (808) 696-4774
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