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Single Family Home in Makaha - Leeward Oahu
The historic 3 bed/3 bath Klausmeyer Estate is up for sale for the first time after 5 generations have lived there! Imagine living a BEACH FRONT lifestyle, where your property extends to the HIGH POINT WATER LINE, and you view amazing sunsets every night! SWIMMABLE beach right outside your back yard where you can also snorkel, surf, or catch your dinner by fishing! When it gets cold, sit by the fireplace in your house that was built in 1952 and designed by Vladimir Ossipoff, who is Hawaii's most renowned mid-century modern architect. This special land is Paki land from the Hawaiian Kingdom and the original owners were hanai family to Princess Kaiulani. Watch the numerous surfing contests right from your lanai. Observe turtles, monk seals and whales in their habitat. Or watch a TV show or movie being filmed at world famous Makaha Beach. During certain times of the year, Hokulea and Hiki Analia may be anchored. Unique features of the home include a fireplace, barbecue pits upstairs and downstairs, a dumbwaiter, balcony with breathtaking views, a studio and bathroom downstairs with separate entrance, and the rest of the living area upstairs. Enclosed with a rock wall and sliding gate.
84-445 Farrington Highway Waianae 96792 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 676-7200
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