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Single Family Home
Makaha - Leeward
One of the few Makaha Beachfront/Oceanfront homes on over 20,000 sqft. of R-10 zoned land. Located about 5 houses east of the public beach, so very private and peaceful. Above the garage is a new large luxury owner studio with a large wet bar, full bath, and stunning ocean & mountain views in every direction. Also included are two separate 2 bedroom, 1 bath cottages for a total of 3 living areas. The property has spectacular mountain cliff views to the rear and wide open ocean views in front. Reef rock ocean frontage helps protect the property from erosion issues. Enjoy snorkeling, surfing, Kayaking, canoe surfing, sup boarding, and famous Makaha surf contests. Watch whales, dolphins, and turtles frolic in the crystal clear west side waters directly in front of the home. The property consists of 2 CPR lots so you can sell one, keep the other, or give it to kids. The CPR also allows you to change the layout. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have two lots with three living spaces and enjoy the beauty and wonder of Makaha. Currently set up as 1 home on the back lot, the luxury studio and 1 home on the oceanfront lot. Homes come furnished and ready to enjoy. Come play!
84-485 Farrington Highway Waianae 96792 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Homes International (808) 949-0020
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