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Single Family Home in Makaha - Leeward Oahu
Huge price reduction and assumable VA at 3%! Priced below tax assessed value at 589K Welcome to beautiful Makaha Village! This home is tucked away yet very close to World Famous Makaha Surfing Beach. A Singe family/duplex 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, on a 5000 sq ft lot. Two car garage, fenced. Home fully remodeled in 2022. New appliances, luxury vinyl tile floors, quartz countertops and custom lighting. Theres a bonus room that could be used as an addtl bedroom or office. Hardscaping, landscaping, concrete slabs completed in 2023, extending outdoor lounge area, shade tent/canopy with lighting around sitting area, privacy fencing, and outdoor furniture included. Mature fruitful avocado tree in front yard. A shaded dog runner with hardscaping and turf in back yard. Relax after the beach in the soft hot tub for four, inside a shed with electric and a 50 in TV! Out door shower with partition, New Samsung washer and dryer. Fully fenced and private with a/c, this home is being offered with extra storage sheds. Ring camera security system included. Well kept home with a VA assumable loan at 3% SHOWINGS FOR PREQUALIFIED BUYERS PROVIDE PROOF WITH SHOWING REQUEST HOA DUES $500 A MONTH JAN 1.
84-520 Farrington Highway 12 Waianae 96792 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty (808) 725-2794
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