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Condo in Makaha - Leeward Oahu
Experience the serenity of island living in Unit 608 at Makaha Valley Towers—a peaceful haven perfect for a primary residence or a tranquil second home. This thoughtfully updated corner unit exudes warmth and comfort, with a reglazed bathtub, fresh paint, and new carpet, all complementing the stunning, unobstructed views of the Pacific Ocean and Makaha Valley mountains. Situated in Core 2, Unit 608 offers convenient access to laundry facilities and the elevator, ensuring a seamless living experience. Maintenance fees include central AC, electricity, water, and sewer, allowing you to embrace an effortless lifestyle. Unwind by the heated pool, nestled among lush tropical greenery, or enjoy a leisurely round of golf at the nearby Makaha Golf Course. For those drawn to the sea, the world-famous Makaha Beach is just a short drive away. Whether savoring the calm of your surroundings or exploring nearby natural beauty, this tropical retreat is ready to welcome you home.
84-680 Kili Drive B608 Waianae 96792 is listed Courtesy of Foster Realty, Inc. (808) 696-0774
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