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Condo in Makaha - Leeward Oahu
Imagine yourself waking up to infinite ocean views EVERY SINGLE DAY! That is one of the most amazing highlights in this unit. At Makaha Valley Towers, you'll experience a true Hawaiian oasis tucked away in the valley surrounded by tropical, lush landscape, majestic mountains and turquoise ocean views as far as the eyes can see. Welcome home to a fully updated, FULLY FURNISHED condo with upgrades that you will appreciate including open concept kitchen, with stainless steel appliances, modern bathroom w/ new rainfall shower and vanity, complimented with black matte finishes. This condo is perfect to enjoy at any time throughout the day. Whether it is spending time on the lanai enjoying a nice cup of coffee/tea in the morning or glass of wine/ mai tai watching the sunset or simply stargazing in the night, you will be amazed if you call this place home. Once a year, you will be greeted with huge waterfalls from your front door that will take your breath away and, on few occasions, you may see whales from your lanai passing down at Makaha Beach Park. Escape the hustle and bustle that Waikiki & Honolulu brings and instead, make the move to Makaha by owning your piece of paradise.
84-740 Kili Drive 726 Waianae 96792 is listed Courtesy of Locations Llc (808) 690-9555
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