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Condo in Makaha - Leeward Oahu
Rarely Available Fully Renovated - Penthouse in Paradise with Ocean & Valley Views! Makaha Valley Towers is a Curated Community in the Country, with 24-hour Security, a Luxurious Heated Swimming Pool, Lush Tropical Landscaping, BBQ & Picnic Tables for You and Your Guests... all a 4-minute drive away from the World Renowned Sandy Makaha Beach! Unit #1734 is Turnkey! The kitchen boasts all-new cabinetry, pull-out drawer storage solutions, soft-closing, brand-new stainless steel appliances & an extended quartz counter for an open-concept island dining option! With so few Penthouses ever hitting the Market you'll appreciate that this one also has a Spa-like Bathroom Remodel with extended vanity counter & storage space. Large Bedroom with added office space feels like a Hawaiian Retreat enveloped in the beautiful views of Makaha Valley. All Utilities Included in your Maintenance Fee Central AC, Electric, Water, & Cable/Internet. Don't wait, this is the Hawai'i lifestyle you've been dreaming of... make this Penthouse your Hawaiian Escape today!
84-770 Kili Drive 1734 Waianae 96792 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty (808) 725-2794
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