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Makaha - Leeward
This is your chance to own a piece of paradise in Hawaii! Enjoy breathtaking panoramic views from the mountains to the ocean, all from the comfort of your new home. This unit is perfectly situated to see the beauty of Makaha Valley, gorgeous coastline, and brilliant blue ocean water. This 1-Bedroom, 1-Bathroom, 10th floor condo is located in J-Tower which is the second to last tower on the Mauka side of the complex. Lots of terrific upgrades! New Samsung stainless steel dishwasher, deep farm-style sink, new bathroom toilet, and updated unit Breaker Box in 2024. The interior of this unit has also been upgraded with new travertine tile in the kitchen and bathroom, complimented by lovely hardwood flooring in the bedroom and living room. Resort like amenities including a heated saltwater swimming pool, BBQ area, community laundry room, and 24-Hr Security. Makaha Valley Towers is nestled alongside the lush green mountains of Makaha Valley, a short distance to world famous Makaha Beach, close to golf and beautiful hiking trails, and lots of shopping areas just outside of the valley. A great place to call home or own as an investment property.
84-770 Kili Drive J1034 Waianae 96792 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty (808) 725-2794
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